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Carl's Family

Page history last edited by pinkhamc@... 2 years, 10 months ago


Was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in Armor on 11 June 1965

Married Christine Waite on 12 June 1965

Graduated with Highest Honors with a BS in Biology from Norwich University on 13 June 1965

            (Phew, that was a busy time!)



Has a BS in nutrition from the University of Vermont (UVM).  She is the office manager for John Fricke and Associates, a Financial Advisor.  She is also a member of Barre-Tones, among the top 10 women's barbershop Choruses in Harmony International.


Carl received his MS in Zoology in 1968 from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana (now more correctly referred to as U of I, Urbana-Champaign).  Back in his graduate school days, the name was determined by the location of the Athletic rather than the Academic campus.  He received his PhD from the University of Illinois in 1971.  He actually defended his thesis in October of 1970 and the next morning left Champaign airport for Fort Sam, where he entered active duty as a Captain in the Medical Service Corps (lots of details left out on that one).  He is a Professor Emeritus of Biology at Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont.


Children and Grand Children:


Kevin John Frank Pinkham, born 12 August 1970. When he was born, Carl, who abhorred smoking, gave out nicotine patches instead of the traditional cigars. It made the local newspaper.


Kreig Ian Pinkham, born 10 August 1972.


Kristian Andrew Pinkham, born 22 March 1978.


Kevin is divorced, has two children, Emma and Ethan, has a BA in English from Nyack College, a Masters in English from Baylor University, and a PhD in English from the University of Southern California.  He is currently an Associate Professor in English at Nyack College.  He just published his first on-line story in the March, 2011, Absent Willow Review, "Gnawing at the Roots."  His former wife, Michele, received her BA in English from Nyack College and a Masters in English from Baylor University.  On January 1st, 2014, he married Katie George.  She is a yyy for xxx in New York City.


Kreig is married (Jen Russell), has a BA in Religion from Norwich University-Vermont College, and a Masters in Comparative Religion from Syracuse University, both were Summa Cum Laude.  He is the Director of The Washington County Youth Service Bureau/Boys and Girls Club.  He recently (Feb 8th, 2011) won honorable mention (2nd place) with his storytelling, "My India Experience" at the Extempo Theater.  Jen received her BA in Music Education from Nyack College and her Masters in Archeology from the University of Nottingham.  She is the Archeologist for the Vermont Agency of Transportation. 


Kristian is married (Kerry Murphy) has three children, Kaitlyn, Kendall, and Kol; has a BS in Psychology in 2001, graduating Summa Cum Luade and a masters in Criminal Justice Administration in 2007, both from Norwich University.  He is a 2nd degree black belt in Kempo Karate, is a brown belt in Brazilian Ju Jutsu and has trained in several other forms of the Martial Arts.  He works for the Federal Government.  Kerry received her BS in Nursing from UVM and graduated as a member of the Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honors Society.  Kerry is a Operating Room Administrative Nurse at a large hospital in Virginia.




Front row, left to right:

Ethan, Kreig, Kaitlyn, Jen, Chris, Emma, Kendall, Michele

Back row, left to right:

Carl, Kristian, Kerry, Kevin


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