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General Aphterisms

Page history last edited by pinkhamc@... 4 years, 6 months ago

Short sayings that come after all other thoughts.  "ODB" refers to "Our Daily Bread," a daily devotional.



Most problems in life are easy…once you decide to confront them.

          3 March 1998

You CAN take it with you…have knowledge and fail to teach it!

         21 December 2001

There is always a potential for conflict between an individual's right and the public's good.

          1 April 2004


There is no limit to what I want to do.  There is a real and looming limit to what I can do.

          09 02 19

Partial knowledge

Knowing it's not is better than not knowing.

          17 10 17

Rule for where footnotes go when they come at the end of a sentence.

End quote, footnote.  (period)

But then, by another authority it goes, period, end quote, end note.

          19 07 17

Life, Like, and Love

"Life" is seeing through someone.

"Like" is seeing someone through.

"Love" is seeing someone through to the end.

          20 03 05



Silly Book Titles

The Hart of Darkness, The Epic Story of a Black Buck that Makes it Big in the Trophy Room

          19 11 19


I think these are mine;

Every one of us can learn to 2nd fiddle.

We can't always see eye-to-eye, but we can always see heart-to-heart


Don't make a principle out of your experience.

The Holy Spirit becomes our resident with the sole purpose of becoming our president.


Others' that I like:

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

          T.S. Elliott

I’ve had a lot of trouble in my life… And most of it never happened.

          ODB, 21 April 2002

"I can't guarantee success with hard work, but I can guarantee failure without it."

         Gary Corkins, CEO, TerraCopia, Inc., 4 September 2003

"The more you get to know Jesus, the more you'll realize how evil you are and the more you'll realize how wonderful you are."

         Tony Campolo

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