Carl's Testimony at the Vermont Yankee Public Service Board Hearing

On the 7th of November, 2012, Carl gave the following testimony to the Public Service Board hearing at the Vernon Elementary School re the issuance of a Certificate of Public Good for the continued operation of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant:


In the ‘70’s, I was one of the U.S. Army’s first environmental scientists working National Environmental Policy Act issues with Project Managers.  I found that progress could be made if both parties would agree 1) that both sides had legitimate concerns, 2) to listen seriously to these concerns and see the problem from the other side’s perspective, 3) to think outside the box, and 4) to be willing to compromise. Following this approach, we were able to ensure completion of the mission and mitigation of environmental impacts in each of the hundred plus projects I worked on. I sense that some of these rules are not being followed in the VY controversy.
As Vermonters, we have always taken pride in being environmentally conscious. We keep our streets clean, we protect our parks and lands, and we have some of the country’s highest air quality ratings. These are the same sources of pride that motivate both sides of the Vermont Yankee debate.
Following, are some additional sources of pride from the pro Vermont Yankee side. Since coming online in 1972, Vermont Yankee’s operation avoids 2.8 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, as well as emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.  Avoidance of these harmful greenhouse gases while producing almost three-quarters of the electricity generated in state has helped Vermont achieve its second-place nationwide ranking for lowest electric power-related carbon footprint. In addition, Vermont Yankee has contributed significantly to Vermont’s number one ranking for “green” jobs per capita, according to a March, 2012 report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

We would lose these sources of pride with a Vermont Yankee shutdown. Head of the MIT Dept. of Nuclear Science, Dr. Richard Lester, notes that Vermont Yankee’s closure would lead to significant increases in carbon emissions. If the power provided by the plant is replaced by natural gas-fired plants on the New England grid, the increase would be equivalent to 30% of the state’s total current emissions.

Vermont has always been an environmental leader. If we choose to close down Vermont Yankee, our leadership could suffer.


Another pro-VY testimony can be found here:  It includes a picture of me testifying.